
The main objective of IntelliLight is the implementation of an innovative intelligent system that manages brightness on the open road section of highways by combining the use of dimmable LED lights and the prediction of traffic load. Using data from existing traffic detection devices, a traffic prediction system will be implemented and hence the future level of service will be calculated. The prediction of the level of service will be fed to a brightness selection system and by combining external data such as weather information and current luminosity, will select the most appropriate brightness level for the LED lights. The advantages of such a system can be summarized as following:

  1. Increased energy consumption saving
  2. Better lighting coverage
  3. Decreased light pollution
  4. Increase in drivers’ safety and comfort

The project is expected to provide an innovative and pioneering system, that initially aims at the needs of highway operators but also of municipalities and local and urban roads and open spaces.

The implementation of the project will be completed in five separate sections, with corresponding sub-sections and deliverables. Modern prediction algorithms will be studied and implemented for the traffic load prediction, extensive simulations and efficiency tests will be executed and a pilot implementation will be sought in an actual highway.

Finally, the project aims at creating new job positions for specialized employees and in producing research and innovation that will contribute in the competitiveness of Greece in the field of modern technologies.